An illustrated talk by Roger Leivers dedicated to the crew of Stirling N3703
You will hear about the men, their lives before the war, how they came together as a crew and some of the amazing operations they took part in, and of course, what eventually happened to them.
You can’t patch a wounded soul with a band aid’ Malcolm Cohen will also be giving a talk on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in relation to the armed forces.
Malcolm worked in this area whilst serving in the British Army and will explain the growing awareness and treatment of this condition. A donation from the evening will be made to the charity ‘Combat Stress’
Tickets £7.50, including refresments. QUEEN ELIZABETH SCHOOL, Friday 27th March (Starts at 7.45pm). Pay at the door. Come early, as there is limited seating.
For further inreformation, please visit Rogers dedicated Facebook Community "The Godmanchester Stirling"