The War Cry, November 10th, 1898


Brother-Burton“Be Good; Meet me in Heaven.”

“Burton is dead!” Such were the words that fell upon our ears a few hours after our comrade passed away. And, alas! It was true.

Bandmaster Charles Burton, Godmanchester

Brother Burton was no more.  He was gone to see his Jesus, Who had done so much for him, in saving him from the lowest depths of sin. Little did We think that, as we picked up the “War Cry”’ a short time ago, and read the account of Brother Lochie’s death, the first Bandmaster of this corps, that we should soon have to record the death of another.

Brother Burton was converted to God in the ranks of The Salvation Army about two years ago. Almost the last testimony that he gave in the barracks he turned to his poor old mother, and said, “Cheer up, mother, I am going to heaven with you." Little did he think he would soon be there.

About four months ago our comrade was taken in, and although he was visited by five doctors, yet it was all of no use, his race was run, his fight was ended. We have lost a hard-working Bandmaster, whose place will be hard to fill; always at his post, in rain or sunshine. On Sunday afternoon a good number of soldiers and friends met outside his house, where we held a short service, when one of the bandsmen spoke a few words and urged the people to come to Christ.

We started for the cemetery, headed by the band playing, “For ever with the Lord.” Our comrade’s instrument, cap and guernsey were placed upon the coffin the streets were lined with people. About five hundred stood around the grave, where a very impressive service was led by Capt. Newth, under whom our comrade was converted.

At night we held a memorial service; the hall was packed with people. The bandsmen and officers pleaded with the people to turn to God, to let Charley Burton’s Saviour be their Saviour. The last words of our comrade on earth to his wife were, “Be good; meet me in heaven?” One of our comrade’s favourite march tunes was, “Down at the Saviour’ feet.” We trust that, by our comrade’s death many souls maybe brought into light.

T. B., Capt Newth